These are my final prints
This is the typeface with all the characteristics of Robyn's personality on there. Upon attending a crit I was advised that black leather might look good on the typeface. However I was rapidly running out of time.

I wanted to try and make the colour as vibrant as possible. On further research into The Rocky Horror Show, I found that crimson red PVC was worn a lot, so I decided to chose that for the letterform.

I then experimented with placing puppet strings above the typeface to see if there were any areas of the font I could manipulate. I found that I could possibly link the puppet strings to the swirls coming off the font.

I then experimented with zips. I decided that a good effect to create would be if the letterforms look like they were taking off a layer. This would tie in nicely with The Rocky Horror Show theme.

This is the The brittanic bold typeface, I have experimented with swirls to see what effects I could create.

I eventually decided on Brittanic bold, which is the furthest typeface to the right. I chose it because it has areas where the type is very thick, which would allow for illustrations within and because it also had one side where it appeared very thin. This would allow me to manipulate the font with more ease.
These are the three letterforms that I experimented with.

For the second part of this brief we where put into pairs. We were then given a sheet with some questions that we had to ask our partners. We were given the task of creating an entire typface, with glyphs, using the aspects of our partners personality from the answers. However we had to manipulate an existing typeface.
- Myriad Pro
- Rockwell Extra Bold
- Brittanic Bold
I decided that I would try and go for a bold typeface as this was another aspect of Robyn's personality that I wanted to try and get across.

Research for The Rocky Horror Show
The usage of black leather, PVC, and zips could work very well on a letter form. I think this could make a visually engaging typeface.

Dame Edna
Dame Edna has a very vibrant and confident personality which I think suits Robyn well

Research looking into manipulation
I think that the use if puppet strings would look very effective. Also it is a a clever way to represent manipulation.
Upon gathering all the information we were then asked to come up with four words that best described that person.
From the information that I had acquired I came up with these words to use for Robyn
- Vibrant (spain, Dame Edna)
- Bold (woolly mammoth)
- manipulative (her chosen super power)
- Kinky (The Rocky Horror Show)

This is my brainstorm that helped me on what direction to go
My partner was Robyn and her are her answers.
What was your earliest memory?
Bouncing on my knees somewhere hot like spain.
Which living person do you most admire and why?
Dawn French because she has funny and warming personality.
What is your most treasured possession?
What would your super power be?
The power of manipulation.
If you could bring something back to life, what would it be?
Woolly Mammoth.
Who would play you in the film of your life?
Dame Edna.
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?
The cast from the Rocky Horror Show and Monty Python.
What makes you unhappy?
Not being able to shop.
What would be the fancy dress costume of your choice?
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Like and Im not gonna lie to you.
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