Above are examples of Japanese bound books. The top one also has a leather bound front cover.
My plan was also to bind the book using Japanese binding. The obvious choice for a book about a Japanese alphabet. The diagram above shows where to drill the holes on the book to prepare it for binding.

The Katakana alphabet consists of these symbols. All of which I planned to put into the the book, each having their own individual page with the english phonetics at the bottom in small writing so the people who would potentially buy the books could pronounce them.

The bottom half of this page is a section taken from the second page of the book that explains the japanese vowel system an how the Japanese people pronounce them. I kept the design in keeping with the front cover and the red circle represents that Japanese flag.

The top half of this A4 page is the front cover of the book. I decided to make the design fairly minimal to represent the japanese peoples to the point attitude. The font that I used for the english is text is futura and for the japanese symbols I used a type face call Std W8. I later decided that this would also be one of the main themes for the book that I would use to represent all the symbols.
The bottom half of the page is one of the Japanese Katakana symbols and this is how they would feature throughout the entire book.

For this brief we were to select an object, shape, colour or sound and make a series of books about the chosen subject for a book fair that would be taking place in the University of Leeds.
I decided to make a book about one of the japanese alphabets called Katakana. As I am currently learning the japanese language I thought that it would be appropriate to link it with my studies at college.
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