The posters as series
This is my final print for my IMAGE and TEXT poster
This is my final print for the TEXT poster
This is my final print for the IMAGE poster

This is a sketched image of how I wanted my just image poster to look like. I decided to make it look like planet X would simply just bounce of the earth. I thought that this was quite a powerful image and that it would convey my message very clearly.

This image shows how the type looks cut out and it also shows how the type looks using the counters from the red card card and then layered over the blue card.

To create the letters I first had to print the type onto white paper, I then traced over them using tracing paper. After this was done I transfered them to the card and cut the letters out using a scalpel.

This page shows some of the typefaces that I experimented with.

- Rockwell extra bold: This type interested me because its safiff's gave it some character, however they took up too much room and as I was working on a narrow format I decided not to use the font.
- Gill sans ultra bold: This was another font that would have been effective, however it was very smooth and I felt that this would not be powerful enough to deliver my message. Also, as I was hand rendering, the smooth lines would make it tricky to cut the letters out using a scalpel
- Impact: This is the font that i decided to use. I used it because it was bold, simple and also quite thin and tall. This typeface would fit the dimensions of the poster perfectly.
- Moudi MT condensed: This font is very similar to Impact, however the letters are not as bold and the lines appear to be smoother.

Another mandatory requirement was that the posters had to be in a 2- 1 format. This image shows how I used tiny squares of red card to create stars to give the poster some depth. It also shows the how I would also create the Earth using blue card and the land with red card.

I thought that hand rendering that posters would create a capturing and bold effect. I decided to use the colours blue and red. I also grey card for the stock. This image shows how I would create the mysterious planet X.
Many artists impressions of planet X show the planet with a chilling. horned dust cloud around it.
One of the mandatory requirements of the breif was that we were only aloud to use two colours plus stock. This gave me the idea to hand render them using different types of coloured card.
This image displays each of the three disaster scenarios that are going to affect the planet. It shows videos and diagrams of crustal displacement, devastating solar flares and the effects of planet X as it moves past earth.
This image displays some of the safe havens that are going to be made. This is where the people who get selected from the lottery will go to survive the catastrophic events of 2012.

This image shows how you can enter yourself into the lottery. They make sure that every last contact detail is available to fill in to make it look as real as possible.

This page displays the eleven candidates who are up for election and the links to their individual profiles.

This page on the sight shows an election video encouraging people to vote for the person they liked best to lead the new world after 2012.

This is the I.H.C's homepage after all the complaints. Notice that at the bottom of the page there are various logos and small print linking the sight to the film.

This the Institute for Human Continuity's (I.H.C) homepage. Here it shows info on planet X, candidates who will run the new world and in the top right hand corner it shows the amount of people who have signed up for the lottery.
this is how the homepage looked before the complaints. Notice that there are no logos or text linking this sight with the film 2012.

On this page of my sketch book I have drawn the eliptical orbit of planet X and written down some information on it.

For this brief we were asked to buy several papers and select a headline that interested us. Upon looking at several papers I selected an article from the Independent. The headline was...

This is the first page from my sketch book. It shows some research on planet X and some facts taken from some end of the world theories.

This is the newspaper article taken from the Independent.
"Relax the end isn't nigh"
The article is about how the supposed end of the world predicted by the mayans in 2012 is false. The main focus in the article was about an undiscovered planet known to us as planet X or "Nibiru". This planet, according to the ancient Mayan civilization is on a strange elliptical orbit and is meant to collide with the earth on the 21st of December 2012
It tells us about a sight called the Institute for Human Continuity. This sight talks about the inevitable end of the world in 2012 and how they plan to have a lottery to save a certain amount of people. The sight mixes fact with fiction and has scared thousands of people across the globe, some of them even contemplating suicide.
The sight was created by Sony Pictures for the soon to be released film 2012, however there was nothing on the sight to suggest it was created for a movie experience and this is one of the main reasons why the sight has caused so much controversy.
We where then asked to design three high impact posters based around the article we had selected from the newspaper. We were to design one poster with image and text, another with just image and another with just text.
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