This page contained two articles that we need to produce images for. The first of which was for an article about the best ways to save money in country gripped by a recession. I thought that this image needed to be hard hitting and fairly obvious. The image I came up with was a pound sign that had grown so large it was creating cracks, symbolising the debt and frustration of a nation under pressure.
The second image was for a less serious article about relationships. The symbols for masculinity and felinity instantly came to mind as they were something everyone could relate to and also they are striking in appearance.

The topic of this article was health and how infections whither as a person gets older. When it came to producing an image for this article I thought that the most effective image would be something that everyone reading it could relate to. I decided to draw bacteria as if it were being viewed under a microscope and a paracetamol tablet intervening to destroy the infection.

The main theme in this article was new years resolutions so I thought the best way to communicate this with people was to create a situation that they could relate new years eve to.
I chose to draw balloons and confetti to symbolise the celebrations that nearly everyone in the whole world would have been a part of.
For this brief we were asked to produce a series of images for various newspaper articles. I found this brief particular challenging because it made me feel like I should stick to a particular illustrative style that one looked good and two communicated the message of the article across to the reader.
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