This image was based around the word immune. When creating this image I thought about the recent talk of how antibiotics were having less effect on the fighting infections and that viruses were becoming immune to the effects of them.
The word immune in this image is created out many individual tablets.

This was my most effective image. The word chosen was jesus and the idea was to depict jesus to people through a symbol that they could best relate him to. The cross on which he died seemed to me to be the obvious choice.

The section of the text I chose for this image was the word radiation. There was something really powerful about and atomic blast that I wanted to communicate to people and the idea i had was to create the text within and out of the mushroom cloud.

This brief required us to read a section of text and then choose three separate sentences or words that could be used to create three images using the the type to create the image.
This brief was fairly difficult for me because I found it hard to identify how to make type as image. Out if the three images I produced I felt that the 'Jesus' image best answered the breif and that the 'radiation' image was the one the one the fit the brief the least.
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