Thursday 6 October 2011

Fukushima Daiichi Poster / Sketches // Idea Development

After the recent disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan after the tsunami it seemed only logical to use it to fuel my second poster in the series.

At first my designs where quite info graphic based and technical. I hoped to gather information and facts about the problems the radiation was causing the environment and to the people who lived near by.

As you can see above the designs are very technical.

After looking at some pictures from news reports on the internet of the Fukushima plant I realised that there was a strong iconic image that kept coming up. This was image of one of the towers that was located next to one of the damaged reactors.

I decided that this was an image I was going to use for my third poster in the series.

This is a sketch I did for my final design. I wanted to create a modern version of a 1950's style anti nuclear campaign...a kind of retro futuristic style that was popular at the time. To do this I needed certain things like a suitable typeface and colours.

These are the typefaces that I used in poster. In the end I settled with the bottom font called flyboy. This was a font that was styled on a 1950's thunderbird so I thought that it communicate the 1950's theme well.

These are a collection of screen shots that I have put together in Issuu. They show the development of certain things like the nuclear logo and tower.

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